söndag 11 mars 2012

Driving Lesson with private teacher aka bf

 After a delicious brunch at the office we decided to use the big public parking lot for my first driving lesson ever. Since it is Sunday today there were no one at work, so therefore an empty parking lot to use which is perfect for me as a first-time-behind-the-wheel student.
The driving went quite well :-) I think I got talent for this :-P The difficult part is to switch on the gearshift...need to practice more on that, otherwise I'm good to go!!

So lucky that I also get to drive the world's cutest car a blue mini cooper!!! My favourite car!!! If I receive my driving lesson within 3 years I'm going to buy a Red Mini Cooper or the cheapest Porsche available. I better start saving some money now for my future car budget!

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