torsdag 26 januari 2012

I am back!

I couldn't resist, I just really feel like blogging again...
During this time while I have taken a paus from blogging, it has felt like something is missing in my life. I have been part of so many wonderful experiences these past months and it has felt terrible to not be able to put them down in words. I know that I would love to come back in two years and read about my current situation now, just to remember and appreciate this time period that I am going thru at the moment.
These past months have been my happiest time period ever in my life. It feels amazing and I owe myself to write these feelings down on this blog!

However, I cannot promise that this blog will become as professional as my last blog, but see it form the bright side, hopefully this blog will become a bit more personal and real . I am tired of showing a fake shallow facade as I did on my previous blog. I remember that I sometimes felt I was forced to write about something glamorous just to keep my readers interested. Therefore this blog is a start to something different, something more personal and genuine I hope!


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